
👋 Hi there! My name is

Laurence Young

A full-stack Web Developer.

I'm a web developer with over 5 years of experience.

I'm dedicated to create web applications with web accessibility and code quality.

And I'm currently looking for new opportunities, reach out to me if you are interested!


Computer Languages

Frameworks & Libraries

Tools & Platforms

Natural Languages

Weather App

A Weather App I built with Next.js and TypeScript.

It’s fast, responsive, and uses server-side rendering. And it’s available in all around the world!



The website you're looking at right now.

I didn't use React.js or Vue.js for this project because it's mostly a static site. Instead I chose Lit.

Lit is a very lightweight and fast framework, every Lit component is a native HTML web component.

I also used TailwindCSS on this site, it's really a relief when you don't have to write classnames yourself, LOL.

I'm currently looking for new opportunities, if you're interested, or even if you just want to say hi, feel free to send me a message!

Send me an email